
Communicating with parents of prospective students | Mongoose Blog

Written by Jeff Meece | Oct 20, 2021 6:03:00 PM

Parents are involved in the process of picking a college for more than 60% of High School Juniors and Seniors. Reaching those parents and making a good impression gives your institution an upper hand in recruitment.

Here are some tips on how to identify who you’re talking to and how to best earn parents’ trust.

  1. Who are today’s parents?
  2. Why communicate with parents?
  3. What are the most successful strategies for communicating with parents?
  4. When should you communicate with parents?
  5. How do you get contact information for parents?
  6. What should you be saying to parents?
  7. Effective ways to communicate with parents
  8. What mediums should you use?
  9. Conclusion and next steps.

Who are today’s parents?

You can gain a lot of insight into who someone is by getting to know their parents. So, who is our audience? While parents differ by geographic region and socioeconomic factors, there are some generalizations and trends to keep in mind for your college admissions strategy.

They’re older than they were before

People are having kids later in life. The average age for first-time moms increased from 21 years old to 25 between 1970 and 2006.1 For today’s incoming freshmen, that means mom is around 42 years old — and that’s for the first kid. For later kids, mom (and, presumably, dad) are even older.

More women are also waiting until 35 or later to have their first child, which means you’re seeing more and more parents in their 50s and even 60s.2 It’s not an exaggeration to say that yesterday’s grandparents are today’s parents.

While this trend of parents having kids later in life started to level off after 2010, it is still on the rise. You will likely continue to see these older parents for years to come.

Many parents of incoming freshmen grew up in the 1980s, which means they probably still own a pair of white jeans and know all of the words to ‘You’re the One That I Want’. That’s not information you can really use in recruiting, but it’s good to know your audience.

Parents’ role in the application process has grown

Hear that whirring sound? Those are the “helicopter” parents descending on your campus — always hovering and ready to swoop in at a moment’s notice to take care of whatever their kid might need.

Unlike parents of incoming students from Gen X and earlier generations, many of today’s parents are accustomed to micromanaging every detail of their kid’s life — a habit that often continues through high school and college.

You’ll spend a lot of time communicating with overly involved parents. They are contacting colleges on behalf of their kids (90% admit to this) and are even completing applications for them (62% say they’ve done it).3

You can win them over by relieving their anxiety

Even if a parent already has a child in college, the college search process is a very emotional time for everyone involved. Parents have spent the past 15–17 years doing everything for their kids, from driving carpool to “just helping” with their science fair project. Now, parents feel that it’s time — finally — for all of the blood, sweat, and tears (and money!) they’ve invested to pay off.

We all know it’s okay when you don’t get into your first-choice college, but that isn’t something parents want to hear. They feel that the “right” college can make or break everything they (and their kids) have worked for up to this point. You’re communicating with someone who is under a lot of pressure to make things perfect for their child. Add to that, the social pressure as neighbors, friends, and coworkers brag about where their kids are going to school.

How do you help alleviate this anxiety and make the process less intimidating? Start by telling parents what to expect and finding ways to help them gain some control over the process. For example, by communicating with parents of lower-income households (whether through email, text, or phone calls), you can help them navigate the controversial and often volatile verification process for federal aid.

Why communicate with parents?

Due to their crucial influence over a family’s decision-making process, parents can help you make your class. Here are a few things you may not know about parent involvement.

There is no greater influence on prospective students than parents, so it’s important to make a connection. Parents rank above current students at your school, your admissions counselors, and any other group.4

Parents are especially important influencers at the beginning of the process, playing a major role in determining which schools a student should consider.5 In contrast, parents start to lose influence at the end of the process. That means establishing a relationship early is key.

You can improve your academic profile by connecting with parents of prospective students since they’re even more involved in choosing the right school. “As students’ academic ability goes up, so does parental involvement in the college search.” 6

Parents help get things done, proven by the correlation between deposits and parent involvement. “Students who provide their parents’ email addresses when they inquire are 45% more likely to apply and persist through to deposit.7

College parents have more influence in the beginning of the process, but many schools don’t collect their information until the application phase. Look for ways to get parent information as early as possible.

When we talk about “parents,” that often includes grandparents, high school counselors, coaches, and other trusted adults in a student’s life.

What are the most successful strategies for communicating with parents?

To paraphrase the late, great Aretha Franklin, all parents are asking for is a little respect. By speaking directly to them — and giving them the information they need — you can show that you understand and respect them.

Give parents their own space

Parents want communications and events that are targeted directly to them.  These can include:

  • Emails specifically for parents
  • A parents’ section of your website
  • A letter from the president to the parent when their student is admitted
  • Parent-specific events (including financial aid appointments and parent sessions at experience days

If you’re not addressing parents directly, they may not feel like they’re welcome in the admissions process (and presumably future processes) at your institution. Give parents an experience that’s in line with the hands-on approach they’ve had raising their kids.

Be open about the fact that you’re talking directly to them

Most parents don’t want to pretend they’re a student, whether they’re on your website or talking with you on the phone. As a parent, they see it as their job to help their child. If you make them feel like they’re sneaking around to get information, you might make it seem like they’re not meant to be part of the process in the first place. Don’t try to hide the information you’re sharing with parents or the fact that you’re communicating with them.

Remember that parents might also read everything sent directly to the student

“Always keep parents in mind, even for what you might presume to be student material.” 8 While parents want their own emails, texts, and website pages, they may also want to know what you’re telling their kid — and if the stories match up. It’s perfectly fine (and often recommended) to have a different tone and style for your student versus parent communications, but make sure your messages are consistent across the board.

When should you communicate with parents?

Because parents are more influential in the process, it’s important to start engaging with them early.

Talking with parents sooner rather than later lets you:

  • Build connections at a time when parents are typically most excited about the process
  • Gain the undivided attention of parents at a time when there is less noise, which makes it a good time to share information about costs and other parent priorities. 9

There are still plenty of opportunities to talk with parents of seniors. For example, when it’s deposit time, ask parents of admitted students if their child is likely to submit a deposit, and then help them take the next step. At Xavier University, if a parent said “yes” to depositing, they received instructions for submitting a deposit; if a parent said “maybe,” Xavier asked them what additional information they needed to support their child.10

How do you get contact information for parents?

In order to have an effective communications strategy for parents, you have to be able to differentiate between a student’s information and their parents’ information. Step 1? Make sure you’re collecting parents’ information separately.

Make sure your RFI form is mobile-friendly

Parents may not be as tech-savvy as their kids, but many of them (up to one-third) are still completing a Request For Information form on a mobile device.11

Train your staff to collect parent information at every touchpoint

You’re probably already collecting parent information at campus visits. But what about if a parent calls your school or sends you an email? Look for every opportunity to capture their email address and phone number.

Don’t rely on students to give out parent information

“If you’re looking to get parent information, you need to ask the parents.” 12 Students are often hesitant to give out their parents’ personal email and phone number so make sure you give them a good reason if you’re asking for it. For example, tell students that you can share timely information about financial aid, which is something most students understand will be valuable to their parents.

What should you be saying to parents?

Parents want the facts about your school. But they’re also looking for reassurance. Will their child fit in? Can they really afford it? Will their child succeed at your school — and in life?

When determining ways for your school to communicate with parents, start with the facts. Most parents want information about these four topics:


  • Details about majors
  • School and departmental rankings

Student experience

  • Student life
  • Safety
  • Housing


  • Financial calculators
  • Financial aid opportunities


  • Deadlines
  • Updates

Keep in mind that parents’ questions and concerns will change throughout the process.

  • In the beginning, parents want to see if a school is a good fit academically and get general information about affordability
  • As students get closer to making a decision, parents focus more on the exact costs as well as practical considerations, such as where their student would live

You want parents to be engaged, but ultimately you want students to lead the application process — especially since the student’s influence is strongest at decision time. It’s a fine balance, but look for ways to encourage parents to let their child take the lead, perhaps by telling parents where their child can find student-focused information.

This sample wireframe shows how the Parents & Family section of your website can include information about academics, upcoming deadlines, financial aid, and other topics that appeal to parents.

Kudos to Bradley University for the wireframe inspiration: 

Effective ways to communicate with parents

Address cost directly, and let them know financial assistance is available

“Students and parents take a college’s published tuition at face value,” according to one study, which found that approximately 40% of students and parents “rejected colleges on the basis of their published sticker price alone.” 13 Many parents simply do not know about the availability or magnitude of discounts available. Let parents know — repeatedly — about all of the financial aid options available to them.

Most parents would likely reconsider a school that’s too expensive if the school can “demonstrate greater value.” 14 Lowering the cost of your school (through financial aid) is one way to raise the value. Another way — which doesn’t cost you anything — is to demonstrate the higher quality of your education, career services, and other factors that provide a return on investment.

Show the real student experience

Transparency is not only appreciated, it’s expected. Parents want to know what day-to-day life is really like at your institution. Being open and honest — even if it doesn’t always show the most flattering side of your school — can build trust with parents and make your school more approachable.

Use parents to get students excited

Students who are excited about your school are more likely to enroll (the correlation is twice as strong as the correlation between enrollment and cost).15 Find positive stories to share. Reach out to alumni who might help with the process. Be enthusiastic when you’re communicating with parents, and share content that will help them get their kid excited.

What mediums should you use?

When communicating with parents, it’s important to have an omnichannel approach that incorporates both active (texting, email, phone) and passive (web, print) communications. Use the chart below as a reference for determining the most effective ways to use each medium.

Conclusion and next steps

Creating an effective parent communication strategy takes time, but it’s an investment that can pay off with improved yield and deposit numbers. Here are some steps that you can take — starting today — to improve your metrics.

STEP 1: Audit your past and current communications for parents.

  • How are you communicating with parents?
  • Which mediums are most effective?
  • What content gets the best response?

STEP 2:  Determine which content you should be sharing with parents, and which mediums to invest in.

  • What do parents want to know?
  • What do you want parents to know?
  • Which mediums get ignored?
  • Which mediums help parents get engaged and feel informed?

STEP 3: Start with simple, small steps.

Update your RFI form to capture parent information. Talk with your staff about the top handful of questions you get from parents. Ensure you have consistent (and effective) ways to answer them in person and/or on your parents’ website.

STEP 4: Go deeper, and find ways to proactively help parents throughout the admissions process.

Make sure your website has a separate, comprehensive section for parents. Consider utilizing texting for communication with parents.

STEP 5: Measure and re-evaluate.

Your audience changes every year. Just because something worked in the past, doesn’t mean it will work in the future. As parents get more tech-savvy, watch for changes in the effectiveness of your communications channels. For example, while most parents today aren’t very receptive to getting messages through social media apps such as Facebook Messenger, that’s likely to change in the future as social apps become more widespread and a new generation starts preparing to send their children off to your school.

Download the PDF version of this guide for free.


1-2 Mathews TJ, Hamilton BE. Delayed childbearing: More women are having their first child later in life. NCHS data brief, no 21. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2009.
3, 8-9, 11-12 Ruffalo Noel Levitz, NRCCUA, OmniUpdate, CollegeWeekLive (2017). 2017 e-expectations trend report. Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Ruffalo Noel Levitz. 
4 Influencing the Influencer: Connecting with the Parents of Prospective Students. Higher Education Marketing. Available at:
5-7, 10 Ball J, Cheney L, Nelson J. Engaging Parents in the College Choice Process: Effective Parent Communication Strategies. IACAC conference 2014
13-15 Longmire and Company, Inc. Your Value Proposition: How prospective students and parents perceive value and select colleges. Available at: